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A member registered Jun 16, 2022

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Just finished a first playthrough! It took a few sittings. I'm definitely going to come back for another sometime, now that I have a better sense for the flow of the game! The writing was great, I got to hang out with Rascel and everything was fine and we were just such good friends. Pals. The NPC storyline was a highlight! I'd have loved more flavor for the bosses--beating the final boss was satisfying mechanically but lacked the narrative flair of the final NPC encounter, which in my run had happened immediately prior to the fight.

I'm thinking I'll make the following modification in future runs:

Parry. Roll one d4. On a 4, you successfully deflect the attack and deal a Critical Hit to the enemy. On 2 or 3, you must try to Dodge but roll one fewer die. On a 1, you must try to Dodge but roll two fewer die, or one die, whichever is lower. If you have no dodge die to roll, the enemy automatically scores a Critical Hit.

Just to up the cost of parrying  little bit, mostly at the upper levels. I found myself pretty frequently rolling 1's to parry but still breezing through on endurance alone.

Thanks for a great time! Loved the atmosphere and the art.