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A member registered Oct 25, 2020

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(1 edit)

Some random roles I came up with:

Detective: The detective may search anyone's role in-game and in meetings. They can do this with a 5 minute cooldown.

Medic: The medic would be able to heal dead bodies, but when they do, the task bar meter would drop 5%.

Twins: The twins would be life-linked. Meaning if one twin dies, the other would too.

VIP Crewmate: The VIP Crewmate would have 2X the walkspeed, and be able to have a red carpet trail that goes away behind them.

Trickster: The Trickster would be able to, well, just sabotage. And maybe be able to clone themselves.

Duplicate: Would be an imposter role, but would be a duplicate of someone.

Dabber: The Dabber would dab randomly, and when he dabs, they can't move, do tasks, etc.

Nicest: The Nicest wouldn't be able to report bodies, but only lay a little flower on their dead, rotting corpse.

Did you notice another Itch game page may or may not be using the "Among Us" franchise to trick people into downloading their malware?

They already have a system where, if you leave at the start of the match because you're not the imposter. If you leave so many times you get a 5-10 minute timeout

You don't need a pet, and screaming isn't going to get you one for free

In the post they said they are working on a friending system.

Do something about hackers, even though I haven't seen much hackers lately. Eris Loris is still hacking, and so many others. Add like a report system, because I NEED to have a normal game sometime soon. Thanks! -AMONGUSFAN