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A member registered Jan 16, 2024 · View creator page →

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i wish there were more yuri

oh my god the mixed emotions i felt while playing this. one minute i was giggling and laughing and the next minute my jaw is on the floor and my eyes are watering. bad ending made me want to sit on the floor and cry. AND THE MOMENT I REALIZED RHAT BUBBLE WASN'T REAL. i fucking loved this game 10/10 hit close to home i kin momo

1st game was a masterpiece, as well as the 2nd. 

guess which characters got too relatable and realistic again? (everyone. especially akarsha. shes literally me irl) absoloutely loved this, i wish i could play both games for the first time again. 11/10 can't wait for the third game

played this a few months back, as till today i still find myself replaying this.

 this is a fucking masterpiece, 3 hours felt so fast...all characters felt like actual people and not just people held by gunpoint repeating a script. i loved everyone especially akarsha,  a few of her scenes hit way too close for comfort. loved the ace attorney reference i rolled on the floor cackling over this for 10 minutes straight. stan the semes. 11/10 best visual novel ever i might get an akarsha plush

I SHIT MY BALLS OF THIS SHIT WAS A WORK OF ART. thank you for making this gam

about 2 hours playtime, artwork and dialogue is cute, i liked pastille. im sorry but plot reminds me of about 90% of the yaoi i've read (guy likes guy, catches feelings but is afraid of rejection so stays as fuck buddies) but in this case the story and reasoning is more fleshed out than others (+good and more realistic/relatable backstory) so we're good.  nice game cute couple but probably wouldn't replay anytime soon unless if im really bored.

cute 30min oneshot, very silly yuri. just wished that it would have a lil more shenanigans or whatever when eleni just roamed the demon world like that lfmao other than that it was nice

this game was short but its one of my fav visual novels till this day and my fav nomnomnami creation... story and backstory was done well even with only 20-30 min playtime, unique game mechanic, nil made me shed a lil tear. 10/10 i would kill for a sequel with more angst