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A member registered Feb 28, 2019

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(1 edit)

This game is relatively creepy, I'll give you that! I'm glad I'm not the only one with game feed nightmares. I do want to ask though, why are there so many unused assets in the files? 

I had one years ago when i was addicted to StarFox Command; it was on venom, during one of those mini boss dogfights. It was odd though. The enemy went on his programmed path, but never spoke or even fired. Fox, was chasing like normal, but you could see his face in the bottom left, and he seemed oddly calm. He wasnt losing fuel, or anything. He was just flying. Soon the acidic water of Venom started turning red, and it looked more like Aquas too. There was no music either. It was all just so... off putting. Just as I woke up, fox did the standard flight path when you leave the battle, and the score counted up, and then everything glitched out.