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Antonio Marcone

A member registered Jan 20, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you, we are really happy to have this kind of feedback. This is our first real use of unity and we are happy that people enjoy the result, even if there are some problems. We had to learn a lot in just a few days and, despite the bugs, we are happy to have learned a lot.

I hope to continue with the development of this idea in future, not only to fix main bugs, but also to make a real game.

Thank you, I'm happy to ear that. We had some ideas of how to help the player but this is our first real game with unity, so we still have a lot to learn. We will consider it for future improvements.

Unfortunately we were not able to improve the feedback on the status of the drink in time but with a click on the bottles an ingredient is added and it should work. You can understand the result with the dialogue.