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A member registered Oct 30, 2022

Recent community posts

What emulator can you download thats compatible with the game? I have one on my phone called "myBoy" but it doesnt work

Love this game so far! I Hope in the future it can be downloadable!

Oh you dont give anything to them. Just press space/ e interact to take the poster and then trash it layer in the sink.

is it possible for this game to be downloadable? i dont mind if not tho, i just wanna play this game when im offline :')

are there any more chapters released yet? if not i cant wait for them! for some reason my heart kinda beats for our co worker and our stalker. how dare you create them with rizz-

i would give my right arm for an onion route so we can give 2 arms in total for him-

how do you play the game when you download it??