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A member registered Sep 15, 2023

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Maybe have the paper appear folded when the "neighbor" passes it to you, and you unfold it when you pick it up? It's a little immersion-breaking seeing the logo on there while it's on the desk, and then suddenly it's gone when you inspect the paper further. Having it folded would fix that immersion-break imo.

Small indie games, especially from one-person teams, don't often get ratings like you're used to seeing with big studios/publishers. That's why there are often warnings about what content to expect in a game. You could argue that a lot of the things in a lot of games don't add anything to them. It's all down to design choice.

Is it normal that everyone that comes by is bad?

I'm six people in so far and every single one of them were bad. Two of them had perfect documentation and appearance, but when calling the room I'd learn that the individuals were home and not expecting visitors. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if this is a bug.

It's a rotary phone, click and drag each number clockwise.