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A member registered May 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Cons: Not much to the game. Little to no concept ideas. Boring to play. What do I even do? 

Pros: I love this game!! Even though there wasn't anything to do the title literally says Wandering nowhere and that's exactly what happens so excellent delivery. I found walking around the environment to be very enjoyable and relaxing. I was really anxious to see what happens when the timer ran out so the game kept me engaged. It was peaceful and not to many games let you enjoy the environment you are in.

I would love to see some environmental phenomena to add some mystery to the game. Perhaps creatures of some sort? Anyways, well done!!   

This gave me some OG Doom vibes. Very engaging! I wanted more but I couldn't get past the long jumps. Just add a little more leniency to your levels and fix the clock timer and reload parameters and you have a solid game foundation. Great Job!

Thank you for playing! I appreciate the support, also I became a subscriber ;) Be sure to check out my latest v.02 version of the game.

Thank you so much for playing my game! I feel bad because you must have downloaded the v.01 version of the game before I released my newest v.02 last night. Overall thank you for your support!

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Thank you for the Let's Play video! I feel so bad that the AI had bugged out after your first encounter with the monster. I'm working on fixing this issue as well as the Well Note. Thanks again!! :)

Thank you for making a Let's Play of my game! I do feel that it needed more playtesting before its release. I also noticed that the AI was bugging out after I submitted my final build. I am currently working on a hot fix for that and I am starting a new project as well. Thanks again!

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That's how I like to make them ;)

Thank you for your feedback! This was our first Game Jam and won't be our last! As for Dwarf Miners development process. We are currently still making  more additions to the game to make it more fleshed out and fix issues that may have occurred. We appreciate your support and hopefully soon we will have Dwarf Miner fully developed in soon time. Thanks! 😊