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A member registered Dec 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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I played and enjoyed the pre-alpha demo submitted for the jam.  While there is not much to go on, I wanted to say I really appreciated the use of the graphic here and the fun and super charming design style that is presented.  What a beautiful presentation and an absolutely lovely representation of BAKIN, I do encourage you to continue development on this demo and sharing your progress!!

four minutes before the deadline!? 

what a cool concept.  It shows a game about ship battles is possible and the concept is really cool.  The challenge aspect is also a lot of fun.  Well done on this.

There appear to be AI images used in the game's item graphics and pause menu.  As such, I have disqualified it from the contest.

However, I still played the game, so a video will still be shown about it.   Thank you for your submission!

Good catch, Idoll!!

I have fixed this, because community voting is not supposed to be available in this jam! 

I must have hit a button while editing / revising jam on my phone? ><; But, it's fixed now.  Thank you!!

only two hours to go, don't get caught by the deadline boogeyman and submit now!

Forgot to add music? Submit!

Missing a wall? Asset? Boss? Submit!

Typos? Sumbit!

Title screen says wrong thing? Submit!!

Not absolutely 100% perfect and an incredible showcase of your talent and skill in a limited timeframe?!  That wasn't the point of any of this, SSUUUBMIIIIT!

let's go!

Rule 6 stresses that no AI assets may be used for the submissions entered into this jam.

Please consider this rule seriously, as games may not be vetted before the deadline, and if AI is found in the project, that project will be disqualified and removed without a chance of re-submission.

In regards to assets that are strongly suspected to be AI generated, they will be treated as if they were generated and the submission will be removed.

I understand that this means the potential for removal of games that do not use AI.  I also understand that some game developers hire a third party to provide the assets, without knowing that those assets could be AI generated.

I ask that everyone uses their very best judgement in this matter, and I apologize for inconvenience that this causes.  This will create situations that may need to be considered for subjective judgement and clearer ruling in future jams.

Thank you.


Hello, cnxygame.

In regards to your submission "Legend of the Wuxia Heroes"

It is found that AI art assets are used for the intro of the game and possibly for the character portrait art.  This violates rule 6 of our jam.

This rule is taken very seriously as it affects the fairness of the entrants' submissions and as such, your entry has been disqualified and removed.

In the interest of giving another chance, I would like to extend this offer: if you would like to re-submit a version of the project with these assets completely removed, before the jam deadline, it would be accepted and the game could be presented as an entry. ^^

Thank you,


thank you, that's on me then, sorry to bother! 

Hi ingenoire,

Thabk you for your submission.  Would you mind re-submitting the game with the NO A.I assets pledge box checked?  Alternatively, if you pledge that the game does not contain AI assets in a quick reply to this comment, you don't have to resubmit ^_^

Thank you!

The prize pool extended, thanks to Darkand Arts and 8Pancakes4Lunch with some awesome prizes for the Grand Winner!

HOWEVER, there's only five days left, so it's time for my general advice!

-Don't panic.  I SAID DON'T PANIC!

-Don't forget to put your "player starting point" in the correct place.  I don't think anyone has ever forgotten to do this before....except me ;_;(The Endra Wish, Patchwork's Jam -- you were NOT MEANT to start out in the Bathrooms.)

-If you have a lot of areas that are unfinished but non-essential, you can leave them in!  The judgement phase will not take into account the finished-or-unfinished-ness of any entry, and the exploration will be fun for us!

-However, if you are building a game beyond the jam version, and you'd like the areas to remain spoiler free or they were developed out of scale, just put a blockade - a collision of any kind or an NPC saying "You can't go this way, it's not finished" will be just fine.  But my advice is still make the whole dang thing visible for all.

-Get that title changed to whatever the project should be called -- it's not a big deal, but even if you don't make a title screen, don't forget to change at least the text.  It helps with the immersion.  Trust me.  It's better than YOUR TITLE HERE or PROJECT_13.  Actually, Project 13 sounds cool.  Maybe leave it in.

-The game you have currently is not a reflection of "the best you can do" or "how the the world sees you" -- it's just a jam, and as I state every jam, sometimes life happens and you just can't submit the project you wanted to see submitted.  My own philosophy is "something is beter than nothing" so I highly encourage you to submit even if you aren't halfway done. Seeing "what could have been" is STILL very interesting from a dev standpoint and based on feedback of ANY unfinished game from ANY previous jam, it's a PLUS to other devs and people curious about the engine(s) involved when they can see what someone was going for - what their vision was!  So, submit!

-and finally -- and this is the most important - GO AHEAD and make your game playable now, and submit it.

You heard me.  Submit the EARLY version now, and continue work on it and submit the best version you can later before the jam ends.

This is a failsafe.  You'll get the security of having at least submitted your project.
If you climbed out of scope or scale during the dev phase, this will bring you back down to earth -- it's time to triage and prioritize only what needs to be done right away.

Finally, DO NOT wait until the last minute to upload.  The pain of submitting a few minutes past the deadline because of timezone confusion or whatever is very avoidable -- and only entries submitted WITHIN the submission period are valid.  no extensions, no exceptions!

Observe the timer -- it's accurate, so don't wait until the last minute!!

Now, back to devving!

it is OK to make a game that can only be played qith controller (it is also fine if it can only be played with keyboard or any other combo of inputs).  Please note in the game itself to let players know ^_^

That's what the jam is all about.


no demo unfortunately!

Hey there!

jamming along?  Everything going smooth?  Already finished?  Haven't started yet?

Don't worry, it takes all kinds.  I wanted to pop in with some quick reminders and tips!

Remember your game MUST BE MADE with RPG Developer BAKIN - if you joined just to show off your unrelated game, your submission will be vetted and disqualified, and removed from the jam as soon as possible - no prize, no vote, no exposure.  Them's the rules.

If you haven't started yet, or have but are stuck. try starting something super simple!  A one-room experience is absolutely fine.  So is a game hat doesn't have fighting.  A game without dialogue can still be fun.  Start small, nail down one thing that makes the experience playable, then add on!

Worried you won't finish in time?  That's OK! You can easily add in some kind of "roadblock" or NPC that halts progress, and gives a message like "that's the end of this Jam version!"   this incomplete nature of a submission is WAY more normal than one might htink, and is totally welcome in my jams!

Basically, I hope to ensure this event is as accessible as possible to all, and encourage everyone to submit something! You are not being judged by your abilities or limitations, and your submission, however unfinished, is NOT a reflection on your total ability!

Now that said, everyone is still literally being judged in categories - but, this is more for fun and to keep things consistent for the prize winner.  Speaking of, judge selection and announcement should be this week, so I hope you look forward to it!

Alright, back to making!

Jam submissions begin in just a week!

For some devs, this is when time starts to fly!  Make sure you give yourself time to make the things you want!

Don't lose hope, but don't lose focus!

Make sure to take breaks, and don't worry about being perfect!

Is this your first jam? No worries, you got this!  Ask questions, relax, and keep your mind adventurous, curious and fun loving.

You're challenging yourself, and whatever you put in, you will be able to get in equal measure!

This is what it's all about.

Back to devving!

Arbitrarily, I have witnessed revenge upon the Noctivians. Payback. My vengeance is sated.I highly enjoyed the ending. I think switching to Solidarks would threaten Flora's existence, but truly without the priestesses they would not have succeeded in his revival.

In my headcanon, I want Solidarks to establish the Flora followers as a subset, kind of a lesser god or demigod.

Place them in a paradigm wherein they can't hurt Solidarks, but give Flora godlike power over those who would follow, thereby respecting the order who helped.

Is this why Floral Disaffect?

At any rate, what a wonderful experience. Every FeverDev game is a truly unique perspective and ALWAYS worth playing. Now...onto leave the YouTube comment.

good catch, sir Kuma -- I have removed the sentences suggesting community votes, as this is supposed to be a non-community vote jam (they snuck past me when I copied the template I use). 

All the submissions do have to follow the entry criteria to qualify, but by no means do you have to polish up the work, just throw something together that you like, even if it's a big commercial for your other projects or a teaser for another work you'd like to direct audience attention to!  Even a one-room experience is fine :]

 it's fair to want to know why, but I've already disclaimed that it may not be communicated why.  Its right there on the front page; it is what it is and I'm not inclined to change it.  I only ask participants to read, understand, and agree.

It's possible the reasoning was given before disqualification, which would actually remove the submissions page.  This is something I only just learned about myself.  I'm not sure if the affected participant gets a notification then or if it deletes since the page disappears.  Not saying that did happen necessarily, but it is possible.

But again, quests found to qualify that were removed in error can be re-submitted with an invite.  When I get time I will look into it more closely.

having looked at the quest, I'm not entirely certain why it was disqualified.

I remember the jam and non jam versions, so it wasn't the additional text.  Let me look into this more.

to clarify, if a disqualified quest can be fixed by the participant before the submission deadline, it can be resubmitted.

If a quest is resubmitted before the deadline but isn't fixed, other actions are taken (as it is implied the creator is disregarding the rule).

The onus of ensuring a quest qualifies is on the submitter, not the judge.  Disqualification after the submission deadline is unfortunately the result of a submitter not ensuring that they are following the rules as posted -- these are written for a reason --and ultimately that is the only fair consequence; to your point however, if a quest is disqualified in error (as has happened in the past), it can be resubmitted exactly as it was.  This is facilitated by an invite from the host.

It is very important for participants to read and understand every rule in the event!

thank you, you're a legend :]

thats unfortunate, but refer to the text on the jam page.

What happens if my quest is disqualified / removed?

Due to an unpredictable scope of entrants, I cannot guarantee that any notification will be granted nor any reason given, but I will try to notify the quest submitter in the event of a disqualification. A participant can fix their quest and re-submit.

Any participants found to re-submit quests that do not follow submission guidelines may be removed and barred from re-entering, with or without notice!

The responsibility of ensuring an entry meets the submission criteria belongs to the participant!

Hi, it appears the Discord link "timed out" (each new invite link only lasts for something like two weeks?) so a new invite is needed!

I'd love to join and see people's creations and share feedback, so if someone could post a recent invite I'd appreciate it :3

ask over in the easyfpsce itch page, linked in the description of this one.  the editor is up to v 1.10 now!

That's correct, everything else was unfortunately disqualified during the judgement phase.

Group projects are OK!

If two or more people want to collaborate on one project, this is fine.  And, each participant is still free to submit their own project as well, even if they helped on another.

The person who the project "belongs" to more should submit it -- this may require some discussion between you and your collaborators!

Welcome one and all to the second annual BAKIN summer jam!

I want to call attention to a new rule present - don't worry, no surprise rules after this one. :]

The rule is: NO A.I!

Creators, please don't source AI assets for use in your game - whether it be visual or audial in nature.

This means don't use generative AI programs to create your assets.  Out of fairness, this includes textures for things like tiles as well.

However, if you are sourcing assets and genuinely aren't sure if AI was used in their production, *please* do what due diligence you can in determining the source -- and then let me know that your asset is questionable so I can review it to determine qualification.

If there are any questions about this, please ask below -- the more questions the better!

Thank you for joining the jam!

Back to making!


you can re-submit the quest using this link :]

Hi RackBrainz, can you please resubmit your quest?  It was removed in error.

so, usually I try to time these jam submission periods to end at the same time I am done with my full time job schedule. 

And, like always, I miss the mark somehow. 😔 

But that's alright.  I have to work tomorrow,  and can't judge, and that get  all day tomorrow to submit as well!

Use the time wisely!

Or dangerously!

Or...apathetically! It's up to you!



This tutorial is great, how absolutely delightful!  It's very clear and concise and is very easy to digest.  Plus this is an oft requested help topic!

I particularly love the editing, the humor and the fact it is delivered by a vtuber, this is just super!  

Thank you for your fun submission and great job!!

Hello and regards from the US!

I recently purchased the Dungeon Maker Sketch software from its page due to seeing that it was now allowed for commercial use. However, the included binding EULA has been left to state that commercial use is prohibited.

I apologize for the inconvenience and I do realize there is permissive language on the itch page, but is there any way you could update the included EULA? If you haven't got the time, would you be able to grant me permission to use the software via email?

(Rewonderland at g mail dot com)

 I would very much like to use the software for a commercial project and would just like to make sure I'm following all agreements :)

I would greatly appreciate it. Also, I hope by extension it will be alright to talk about this software and do a bit of streaming or design videos with it on my YouTube channels, which are monetized (AmalgamAsh and AshQuest); please let me know if this would be alright!

Best regards,


(1 edit)

This was a good entry and challenging, but unfortunately had to be disqualified from the jam for overuse of assets (ice gremlins and gargoyles, I didn't check further to see if there were more).  Looking forward to more quests, I hope you keep creating!

This was a tough but really awesome quest.

It was unfortunately disqualified due to overuse of assets (Frozen Horror room tile is used twice -- while the tile faces are used separately, there is no way to recreate the quest using only one copy of the expansion since the rooms are on opposing sides of the same tile).  That said, I hope to see a similar quest submitted to a future jam where this rule may be lifted.  :]

really awesome adventure, and lovely to see pretty much a mini-campaign.

Unfortunately disqualified from the jam because it's not a valid one-quest entry, but in the near future I hope to see something like this submitted to a more open and freeform jam!

This is a really, really cool quest.

It was unfortunately disqualified from the Quest Jam due to an overuse of assets (doors).  It would be awesome to see a similar quest submitted next year!

Is it required to use an existing interpretation of Amalgamia or can we come up with our own?

If we would like to use Amalgamia from an existing game, is her model available?

if this is able to help people who use HeroScribe, I will *absolutely* push this tool in the next jam.  It sounds useful!

I hope I can get some time to check it out in the coming days, but I encourage others here to look at it and do report back here if they'd like 😀