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A member registered Jan 23, 2018

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Kind of a bit of a bigger suggestion would be to adopt a "storage and combine" system like a lot of autobattlers use (usually it's 3 level 1, become 1 level 2, 3 level 2, become 1 level 3, etc. - or in this case "common -> rare -> epic")

This would result in a lot more strategic thought when picking items/characters - as you could stash stuff away to get an upgraded version of the item or character later.

This would need to come with a storage system of some sort, so people could hoard these things and upgrade them as they go - and would give more complexity and progression to a run outside of "waiting for the epic"

Would also likely be easier to integrate into the longer format that an overworld/story/etc. bring to the table (even possibly letting you have different ideal teams for different regions/enemy types)

I'll have a video of my journey up to that point coming out tomorrow (~28 hours from this post) on one of my other channels if it will help, this bug happened after I ended that though, just happened to catch this to see how far I could push it off session. (while improved, the overlapping audio bug is still present too sadly :( - but definitely having fun with the core mechanics so far)

latest patch helps a ton - though worth noting - game breaks on day 8 (not sure if it was due to getting a second line of icons or actually just day 8)

lol, yup, got it too, soft locked on a map where there weren't enough slots to position all my units ;) 

... because the demo isn't the full game, and to do a review on the title you need to complete the game. (not to be confused with First Impression Reviews, which revolve around the initial interaction with the title).

While there are a ton of scammers out there, not everyone is (note to SteamShovelers though - there are a few companies out there that connect content creators/reviewers/etc. with developers - though they do take a little hunting down)