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A member registered Jul 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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My team from Velox Fabula aren't available this time around (finals time, work shenanigans, you know the drill) but I am!  If you need an extra hand with QA (I was a Professional Software QA human when I was still working, so not just playtesting!) or beta reading scripts for stories (I'm a fanfic writer with just shy of a million words under my belt) let me know, I'm game to help.

This was super cute! The trailblazer had some serious March energy going for her.

Well, lots. And not lots. I mean, he's a ghost, after all. Floating through walls. Haunting people. Making new friends. Maybe even watching his old friends make it big?  An arcade, definitely. XD

Not getting the good end just means you can play it over again!  I'm glad you had a good time with it! 

I'm glad it was interesting even though it's not usually your speed! Thanks for playing!

Hey, that's fine. That's the goal, to trip you up at least once, else how would anyone see a bad ending? (You know, except the completionists out there that just want to see innocent people cry.)

I'm glad you had fun with it, and thank you so much for the great comments.

Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Wow! I'm glad you had so much fun with it, I'm seriously over here grinning like an idiot about all the notes you took. Thank you so much.

I think the mere existence of this jam was the kick in the ass my team needed.  We've been working slowly, on-and-off on a big game, and having a jam with a theme and a short time limit really focused us and made us think about what we could do, and what time things would actually take.

As a first game for literally all of us, we're proud.  And having content out there for one of our (admittedly massive) cast of characters is pushing us to want to work harder on the main game, so we've got that going for us.

I will say having a 10 day jam that shared a weekend with a maker's market I was showing at was probably not the best plan, but it worked out.

I now know a lot more about the nitty-gritty of game making, and I think that's going to help a lot in general.

I know I'm excited at the prospect of other jams after having participated in this one, we'll see how my artist feels once they emerge from the blanket pile they made for themselves Monday night. XD

Well dang, I think I got those endings in the perfect order. I loved how personal yet impersonal the interviewer was. 

That was beautiful, both the storytelling and the art. Nicely done.

Aw, my heart is all full now. How dare! XD <3

The ingredients UI is definitely the vibe I was going for with our corkboard but you totally nailed it.  I loved playing this, over and over to get all the endings. Worth my time. I probably will be coming back to play this again just for the vibes in the future.

The music was spooky in the best way. Time loops are always a fun game for my brain, and I loved this one. Well done!

Well. That was certainly unexpected.

Well, I'm going to be thinking about that for approximately forever.  Nicely done.

As all the pieces fell into place, I just kept thinking "oh gosh, oh no." The convenience store doors did it for me though. Well done.

That was adorable! Thank you for a fun dragon story!

This was cute, and honestly a lot like reconnecting with one of my high school friends would have been (if we were Italian)!

This hit so many of my favorite things all at once. Simple, but poignant. Also, Women. <3

A dilemma for sure.  The UI was lovely and perfectly suited to the setting, so extra kudos for that.

I was really pleased by the phobia check at the beginning. I've had to nope out of a number of games because they were triggering, and not having that experience here was nice.

That said, I wonder if I missed out on a lot of the spooky because of it.  Obviously the visual, but it was pretty chill otherwise.

Thank you so much! I'm really glad we managed to walk that fine line with the hints.

This was lovely. I especially liked the different personalities of the witnesses.

There are, in fact, more to come... eventually.  Arcadia itself is a whole game the crew are working on about mysterious Mr. Theo and his arcade, whereas the files will all be prequels for each of the characters. Their vague backstories make for awesome game ideas for a jam like this one.

Pretty solid foreshadowing going on here! And the music is lovely. Can't wait to play the 2.0 you've got planned.

Oh my lord, the good ending though.

Well done!

Thanks, I'm glad to hear the jokes went over well with at least someone who's not me. XD

The UI design is the kind of shenaniganry I aspire to. Those choice cards, I just... *chefs kiss*

The 'voices' lend an edge of eerieness that I wasn't sure I liked, until a certain point and then it clicked. I'd love if there were more instances of those than just the few that existed.

The audio work is stellar, I spent most of the game in a pile of "oh no" which was offset strongly by the chill backing track.

Definitely nailing the Unreliable Narrator bit - even I was questioning myself.

I felt like a lot of the choices didn't make a difference, but it felt nice to have them included - probably something for a 2.0 version down the line, which I'd definitely love to see happen.

Super glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for your comment!

OH that totally makes sense! I never considered that. Thanks for the responses! And of course I'll be here for the sequel.  :D

This demo is so gorgeous I just want to keep playing it. Seriously. the menu screen on its own is a work of art.

I would love to see more of this game. Their dynamic makes the three of them seem like a perfect little triad and I need more of that in my gaming life.

I loved this. I played through all of it and annoyed my friends with my chatter about these loveable idiots.  Seriously, real teens with actual teen feels going here. Especially how everyone deals with the Scarlett situation.

I will say, Taylor's art feels... rushed, compared to the rest of the cast. Like, the side characters are crisper and cleaner than our love interest. Gives it a vibe that the artist didn't love Taylor as much as we do. 

That said, I'll be watching for future updates, because this game is stunning and I am here for it.

This first act was amazingly compelling. I'll be here for the rest of it. With bells on.  Thank you for a lovely experience. (Also, can I keep Sparrow?  No, wait, I'm not asking.I'm keeping Sparrow.)

Serious comment: I loved the game, the visuals, and the different personalities of the characters (Even the coworker at the beginning clearly has their own sense of self and I love it.)

Silly comment: As a QA-human, I am miffed that the game company's programmer IS their QA. That's like saying there's no objective QA. XD

I can't wait for your full game's commercial release, and am totally here for it.

The visuals were stunning, and I personally loved the subtle perspective changes. The first one was a bit confusing but once I realized what happened, I was into it.  Especially getting a few moments from Dante's perspective, really brought some depth I wasn't expecting.

Thanks for making this! Please continue the story, I'd love to know more.

The demo definitely delivered. My younger sib is also Cam and as such felt very called out (positive, joking) by the bestie who was so much them (excepting looks) we wondered for a minute if we knew y'all somehow.

Seriously looking forward to that potential kickstarter and anything more with these wonderful characters.  It's likely I end up coming back and playing the demo again just so I can have another fun time with the bbq shenanigans.

Had a great time with this game! The banter was very much the sort of thing I'd have actually said, so it felt a lot more real than other games for me.

Asher is adorable. Thank you for bringing him to life for us.

I have many comments, lots of them the usual; The visuals are stunning, the music is to die for, and the plot brings me so much joy, I played through it three times just to hear the VA and see the scenery.

But really my biggest joy was that it wasn't overwrought - Van was just Van, in every life.  No old-timey Van, no oddly futuristic Van. Just.... Van.  It felt a lot deeper without the stereotypical trappings to signal significant time passing.  I definitely expected him to be more stubborn about getting together, but then, he knew better, I guess.

Thanks for a lovely game.

I am super excited for this! Escape room? Visual Novel? That's two of my favorite things! I can't wait to die... erm, succeed!