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A member registered Feb 19, 2024 · View creator page →

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The beginning of the game sets a dark foreshadowing for the game. combined with the funky fonts, it is quite astonishing and scary. The idea of trading body parts for money and take on a while gamble is quite exiting! You gave player just enough information for the game thus making us curious about what happens next? I think this by itself is quite brilliant.

I love the images of the interiors, it really made me feel like I am designing a place. The idea of the game is simple but can be quite complexed when it have multiple pathways like this game has. I also really liked how you made the game to be replayed for each individual choice combinations. Another interesting factor is the price of each room, I never thought it is that expensive! Overall, I think you have put a great amount of time and effort into making this game. 

I do wish there is a replay button at the end so if I wanted to replay the game I can just click on the pathway instead of going all the way back.

I enjoyed the overall atmosphere of the game, I think you really put a lot of design choices into the gameplay. Accompanied by the gloomy images, it creates a sense of tension. I really enjoyed this game. I do think more linked option could be handful when it comes to collecting items or unlocking certain pathways based on the player's choices. Over all, a great game! :)