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A member registered Apr 08, 2020

Recent community posts

Just played through Finn's route. I honestly love this guy! Thanks for making this game!!! It's truly worth the wait! I saw the mini stories and codex! Thanks for the extras I honestly love it! Thanks again!!!

Im going crazy waiting for this game to release! I can't wait!!! The anticipation is killing meeeeeee!!! So excited!!! ~squeal

(1 edit)

Dear creators, writer's and developers...

I would like to thank you for this breath of fresh air. The atmosphere of the game is wonderful. I love something different and so well written. So far I've enjoyed this game and I'm anxious for what's to come next. 


Please let me know if you have written any novels. I would love to read them since I enjoy the writing style. If not, seriously consider it since you have alot of talent.

Creators and developer's...

I'd love to know of any other games you have created since I became a fan!

I thank you all for your hard work.

Kind regards


HI SweetChiel,

I always stay updated with your posts. I'm so anxious to play this game its insane!! I would like to ask the guys to answer a question... if they had one wish what would it be? XD Keep up the great work. I'm rooting for this game. Woop Woop!! :D

Hi hi!! XD. so what's left for you to do? Seems like you're quite far with this game😁. I can't wait! The anticipation is killing meeeeee!!! Ha ha ha. Anyhoo enjoy the rest and thank you for your hard work! Much appreciated!!