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A member registered Sep 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing!!

That's how he got his prey~

I wrote a whole post about this the other day, but basically, I participated on a whim and tried to speed-run things since I only knew about the jam after 24 hours had passed. I'm just happy that I managed to finish it. Also, everyone's games are cool!

Uwaa!! Thank you so much for playing!

To be honest, I've been struggling with choosing BGM. Glad I chose the suitable one. Thank you for your comment!!

Very cool!

What a way to incorporate every theme. Also, I can't stop looking at my screen because of the cool cowboy. Hehe

Amazing work!

I like the theme of robots. Also, everything in this game is very nice. Love it very much!

I love this style and the cute little flower on the side so much

Gorgeous game. 

How did you write this much in 36 hours? That's amazing

This makes me want to go to the aquarium!

This is hilarious and unpredictable XD

Thank you for playing and for the feedback!!

Pak, saya kena emotional damage karena publikasi saya ditolak terus

Ceritanya ngakak. Abang-abangnya juga tamvan-tamvan sekali.


VN with fishing? Simply genius.

I love this game!!!

Thank you for playing! 

This is a Kinetic Novel, so the plot is linear and has no branch!

Thank you for playing :D

Thank you for playing!!


This is very cool!!

Thank you for playing!! Congrats to you too!

Yeah, one day, probably.

Love the atmosphere and the moving background!

Also, that choice is tough...

Thank you for plaaaayyyiiinggg!!!!!

Cute and neat!

Thank you for playing!!

Thank you for playing and enjoying the game!

Evan is just my OC and not part of any bigger project (at least, for now)!

Thank you for playing!

If things had gone differently, he probably became an op shonen manga/hwa/hua mc, though xD

Thank you for playing!

I did pack so much information there. Glad it's conveyed!

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for playing!

I like the BGM too!

Thank you for playing!

To be honest, letter is the only thing I can think about

Thank you for playing! Glad you like it!!

The BGM is from DOVA! Spring Riverside by Kyaai

Glad you like it!

Sorry for the inconvenience. It's fixed (hopefully)!


Pretty sure I erased the save button from the quick menu on the latest build.

Which version did you play?

Download the latest version or follow the instruction in the game's description to save (from pref > save) instead of the usual save button.

This is so interesting! Game jam game about game jam and game dev. Their team sounds like a fun bunch. 

Also...Get Employed. Ouch XD

Great concept! 

Liotte is suspicious, but he is so cool.

Thank you for playing!

You probably didn't meet the requirement for other endings.

How about you focus on one type of activity (example: sport-related things if you want sporty bf)? And refrain from making him jealous by you-know-what ;)

Thank you for playing!

Glad to hear that you are having fun! There are 8 Charons waiting to be captured!

Thank you for playing! Glad to hear you have fun!

Maybe you are indeed the right person for the MPC program ;)

Thanks for playing!

Sure it is, but I'm glad you enjoy the game!

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing! To get the other endings, you can try to focus on one type of activity.

(ex: if you want to get a sporty bf, just pick anything related to sport)

Thank you for playing! It's really cool that you can get all the endings!