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A member registered 87 days ago

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Great idea馃憤

I was scare for a moment

I guess the last part is ship now

Well youtuber get money while having views on video which make money which his game also have around 800k visits should have make him some mlney

How many dollar did you get after making this game dude?

I guess you can do it with some of the legendarys to play with them while on the ship like

Everyone is bored and mew think of a game to make everyone entertaine and the winner got breed by the MC ig

God bless your pc bro 馃檹馃檹馃檹馃檹

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Hello dude it time to check propgess of the update:D

Personally i think when the MC just catch darkrai and went outside to buy some food then a zoroak n zoura appear to chasing the MC then.we playimg a runinng minigames if we win we get to breed them

But if we lose we just got stole food ig

At this rate i think a week and you done the sinnoh part2 update

I said recommed each month each 5 pokemon legendary/ultra beast

Actaully i thought like he also gotta do the side chapter pretty long too because of that i also count

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I think kalos/gen 6 would be 2 month because it only have 6 legendary and alola/gen 7 would be 4 -5 month because have 25 legendary/ultra beasts

would you make a list of legendary you catch that you can choose fuck them again ?

Even if there are it will take him aot of time to do cuz about the a.i the code and test and the change system

Each charater would take you a whole day or 2 days and the codes ,the test, would make that 2 -3 month for an region update

Would you do undertale i would love to play an undertale version of this

Like you can choose fight or love idk but i think it be great

So arceus is last?

Like i thinking that celebi accident sent the MC to the past to meet her

Articuno tbh i likes her

Oh alright

idk i just wondering about arceus plates form so i was like "why not put it across the game" or something like that

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Yes like if the plates are going to scrap across the all islands/gen

If arceus other form will including in alter form or no ?

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when The MC reach to kalos would you let like mewtwo and the weather trio and another legendary/myth pokemon mega evolution?

Alright just curious

Idea when the main charater reach unova/gen 5 when he catch reshiram , zekrom , kyurem would you make a original dragon for them or no

But idea for kyurem battle that when you catch reshiram and zekrom you allow to catch kyurem but she will have a phase 2 ethier you have to choose black kyurem or white kyurem to fight then when you beat black/white kyurem they split and you breed kyurem but you can still breed black/white kyurem by a events calls black or white to breed which one
