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A member registered Oct 11, 2022

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slr, Thanks ♥ (sorry I kinda feel guilty when I don't reply or react  to a message at all, even it's 5 days late sorry for late reply. uwu)

Um... Shiro I think you messed something up, cuz Jinny is floating on top of the Bradley Lady, not gonna Lie its hella funny

You know the choice with siggy in his bedroom choose "Only so you'll shut up about it" then food choice any, the Gym choice "Siggy, stinks he should go first" then the Movie "I've been wanting to see Every Place Every time" then choice sleep on the couch... 

Just spend more time with Sigmund and with the video game part where you help Siggy just press "only if you shut up" or smth 

Actually nvm already found how to unlock it

Sorry for the disturbance

About the head down stairs part I spend more time with the dad but the option is still locked for someone reason. I'm assuming it's a kind of a Bug.