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A member registered 37 days ago

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just got to the end of the content so far.

i love this game to death. i need more. i NEEEEEED more.

i want atlas so fucking bad. he’s so adorable. i need him. i’ll do anything to protect him. PLEASE

i will be supporting the game on patreon,,, both because i am wholly infatuated with the entire game and would love to contribute to its production but also because i am desperate to get more of it



As someone who has suffered from severe dysphoria, intense self-hatred, other gender maladies:

This game is practically scripture to me.

Thank you.



just finished, so adorable and lovely and everything nice ahhhhh

the art style was truly charming and all the writing was great too :)

isekai is always a guilty pleasure for me just because of how absurdly self-indulgent it gets as a genre, and this one didn’t disappoint in the slightest. there’s not much I love more than seeing a totally hopeless lesbian shut-in and being able to go “wow she’s just like me fr”

(it makes me feel gratified. I wish I’d get summoned into a demon castle by a cute succubus lady)

thank you so much for your work on this :D loved it and will be checking out your other works soon<3

absolutely incredible, beautiful, cathartic, piercing, i don’t know what to even say. i want more.

loved the writing, loved the art, loved the atmosphere and aesthetics and symbolism of it all, the worldbuilding, the character design..

absurdly inspiring. pleeease please please please please do not just disappear, i need a sequel or maybe 10 sequels, thank you for your amazing work<333

omg. loved this so much. so cute and quaint and satisfying and fuzzy

i am very happy i played it :D thank you for your work <33


ended up staying awake until 4 am just to get all of the endings. what an incredible experience

the writing here is just incredible, the mix of emotions i felt after getting my first “true ending” left me completely speechless.

what an amazing take on such a classic trope, this kind of shit reminds me that even though it can feel like ALL creative potential has been exhausted from time loops/groundhog day-esque stuff that there’s still room to tell really compelling and original stories that employ it.

this is a game that’s gonna be on my mind for a while. every time i thought i was starting to get ahold of where things were going or what the general “idea” of the story was, it hit me with another bombshell.

absolute masterclass in character writing; the way the player’s sympathy moves between both characters as more and more of their past, motives, feelings, etc. is developed and revealed is just amazing amazing amazing i really felt like i was at the mercy of the story

so much to say about omission or delaying of critical information and how it can make or break an entire story,, here it shines extremely well

even as i am writing this i am still sort of processing how to feel about ending 0 and the characters

i don’t even know, are they both not just dead anyways in this one like in the other “true ending”? but, it feels totally totally different;;; aghhh

i don’t know what to think, this shit is tugging at my heart though seriously

i want my poor baby hiker to get his good ending :( it hurtsssssss

lastly i wanna commend you for making such a masterpiece in 10 days. it’s wild to me that a game this good exists in the first place, let alone was made in such a short time frame. such a massive inspiration to me!!

thank you so so so much for your hard work, especially sharing it with people for free (though i will be purchasing it to show my support and love) :D

absolutely amazing. every moment of this vn is a joy