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A member registered Nov 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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this is better than the actual fnaf!


gammode idea: tag. slender touches other person they become slender and slender becomes a survivor

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can you remove the ability to pick slender in public matches

Difficult and fun! I love level 10! you should make more

i can revive people and know the entire forest map


haha lol

it looks like my brother

new fear unlocked lol

im addicted to this i cant stop

this is really good. you should make a second version.

haha lol

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you should make a fnaf 2 version

Bonnie and chica arent supposed to instantly kill u they jam ur door and kill u if y get on and off cams

and i was staring at him a lot

he attacked me like 4 times on night 1

I saw foxy at 3 am

it happened to me too. If i press up twice fast it makes it so i cant get off cams and it takes up 2 bars of power instead of 1

Great game other than those things

I think Golden Freddy is broken he won't go away.

Foxy shouldn't be active until night 2. I was wondering if you knew or intended to activate him on purpose early to make it harder.

night 4 is bugged i can only access cams 2 and 1 unless i change to vent cams

It's okay. It's a great game either way. 

This game is broken

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Whenever I reach the specific amount of coins needed to unlock something it doesn't work

REALLY good music! This is a great game and it took me two weeks of playing this for hours at a time to FINALLY beat it.