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A member registered Jan 12, 2024 · View creator page →

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Great game! Fits the theme and constraint super well, nice music choice too.

Cool to see alternative turn-based combat formats like this! The game played well and is pretty intuitively designed, I think you could do some fun stuff with food-based audio effects if you end up implementing them in the future.

This was well-executed and fun! I like the music choice too! I can't seem to catch the power ups though, not sure if that's just a skill issue on my end T^T. Good job!

Thank you! I agree that that it's lacking depth perception cues, I mapped the mouse coords to their incident rays on an XZ plane, it ended up making for pretty awkward controls. Looking forward to making progress in later jams :)

Yeah it's definitely rough (and cropped) around the edges,  first game's a first game  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I only put a couple of minutes into figuring out Unity's GUI system, so that's that. Not sure if the space pun was clear with the E&E's haha, glad it at least caught some attention. Thanks for the comment!