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A member registered Mar 21, 2020

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Hello Girl

I read this VN with auto on and fast text speed/advance time across several nights, when it felt like the right time of day that I could experience it. Usually I read VNs by hitting the spacebar myself with instant text speed so that I feel like I'm reading as fast as possible, but for some reason I felt like using auto for this one. This VN put me at peace.

On the second night, I was distracted by some other window and left the game on the title screen for a while.
Hearing those two wonderful notes and expecting the guitar to return for the better part of an hour, I was treated to the gentle rustling of the wind fading in and out.

The presentation of this game is beautiful.

Mentha's art is very calming to look at. I went into Hello Girl knowing this, with high expectations of the drawings she had been working very hard on, and still I had them more than fulfilled.

Seeing the use of transitions, the seamless shifts between ADV and NVL, the text effects, the movement and framing of the character portraits made a strong impression on me. I'd never seen anyone do that with Ren'Py. As I'm helping a friend with their Ren'Py VN right now, it makes these touches all the more impressive to me.

I think the length and the scope of this VN is just right.

The small scope of the small town, of Ana's timid world view, her simple duties... it's very grounded.

The historical-like setting, the details and photos that speak to the research the team did... it draws you in.

Keeping the theme of VNcup 2 in mind all the while, wondering about the dreams I see... it leaves a bit of unanswered mystery for me to think about. I really like that feeling.

Wanting to know more about the setting, but feeling satisfied with what I saw. That's one of the feelings I enjoy after reading a short story.

I was touched. It was good yuri.

I'll tell my friends about this story.