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A member registered Oct 25, 2017

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I just finished the Spanish version. I don't know what to say, this is wild and heartbreaking. With each line I just wanted to give you a hug and tell you how human I see you. We don't know each other but the way you just opened my eyes is wild. I'm glad you're in a place where you can actually talk about this.

Yo pensaba que no podía descojonarme más y aquí estamos

Pero lloré cuando tuve que comprar pan, me recordó a aquel día que fui con ilusión a comprar pan y me dijeron que no me llegaba el dinero, que subió otra vez

A veces la vida

ale <3

The game is cool af, srsly loving the art and gameplay but how do you exit the final door


Al principio quería matar al apuesto desarrollador pero luego es díver, espero que haga más :D

So I tried this game for the first time yesterday with my friend and I almost cried of laughter

It's f awesome xD 

The only critique I have is that maybe the frogs slip too much? (sorry for my broken English) For the rest? 10/10

I just finished right now and it is a must play! It's even more of a must play if you are gay af