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A member registered Sep 01, 2021

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These kind of rage inducing games are my favorite, and the game style really brings me back to when I was little playing games on miniclip giving me a nostalgic feeling while playing. I thoroughly enjoyed the game, but hating every time I got a "Game Over" screen. There is so many different paths that many lead to a dead end, which got me screaming every time, seeing the hearts then hearing the troll laughing made me want to punch my screen, but always kept trying again. The game has a addicting aspect to it that leaves me wanting to beat it more and more the more I die. I would have like to see a death count to see how many tries it would take me to beat it to see if next time I can beat it faster with less death counts. The cold colors in the background really helps out in creating a focal point on the characters and their bright colors. I am drawn to these types of games no matter the setting I always try and beat them definitely would play a game similar to this anytime I get the chance too.