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Alice Rendell

A member registered May 17, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thank you! So glad you liked it.

Thanks so much! So pleased you enjoyed it :)

Hi Ace, thank you for you interest! Would you mind sending me your email (either on here or through Twitter DM) so we can discuss it further? Thanks!

Wow! Great perserverance for the endings. We're so glad you are enjoying it!

Thanks for the comment and the playthrough! Really appreciate the feedback.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Thanks so much for the playthrough and for the feedback Rainby!

Thanks for the playthrough and for playing it to the end even though you hate reading ;)

Thanks Alex! So glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for leaving such a detailed review, is always nice to have this level of feedback.

Glad you enjoyed it :) We decided against having music in the main game as we felt it was more atmospheric and tense without it. Thanks for the video though!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for the playthrough! 2/3 isn't bad at all ;)

Glad you enjoyed it! As well as different endings there is also some branching content with different characters which you can get by making different choices.

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for the playthrough! We love watching these.