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A member registered Sep 18, 2022

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Hello, my name is Alice and I think there is one think that could potentially make people even more interested in the game.

Personally I think it's already awesome, and the fact that you're constantly updating it makes it even better, but there could definitely be more sexual content.

I think that majority of the community playing this game do this in order to experience bondage as well as other elements of BDSM, but there seems to be a lack of things, such as 'degrading and humiliation' or generally stuff that is purely for the enjoyment of the player (or it's in-game owner).

We've already got the mechanic to 'pleasure ourselves', and 'be teased with various vibrators and plugs', so I'm wondering why is there no option for certain enemies to keep us for longer? To use us in different ways than they already do? To have more interaction with?

Also, I think that a great addition to the game would be an ability to see how does our enemies look like, as well as those who are already bouned in cells, or 'latex dolls' that are wandering the halls we're trying to get through?

Thank you in advance for even considering this a useful information,

Wish y'all a great day!

yeah, I hate that too.

If they worked more on the idea of "A yandere chasing you through the school" it would be much better, instead of complitely changing it to a fucking forest.

The whole game's premise was that its in school and 1v1. Even the last most with the other sailor kinda broke the idea, but adding anything else outside of bettering the AI and making more to improve it was a mistake.

It's not even that nightmare mode should be the priority.

What I was hoping for is the constant updates in the AI for it to be smarter and more complex, so the gameplay could be even more engaging .

Does anyone know when will the next update be? and/or if the game is going to have a release at all? I've played everything in the latest version of 2.1.8 on windows and I cant wait for more..

Hello! I just wanted to inform you, that if you play one game after the other (Project Kat and Paper Lily), their saves stack on each other. What I mean is that a save from one  game will appear in the other, which confused me for a second. It's okay and it's not causing any problems, other than a need to overwrite one save from the previous game, so I guess it would be a problem fro someone who made many of them in the  1nd game, didnt finished it, and tried the 2nd one, but I also don't think it's quite as common to occure. Either way, I hope it helps you in any way. Also, I love both of the games, I just ended Project Kat and it genouinely spooked me like three times haha

That was fun, but anyway, have a great day!!! <3

Hi! I just wanted to say that your game is totally amazing! Characters are written grately, and the plot! Almost every dialogue makes me laugh uncontrollably.Thank You for making such a masterpiece. Have a good day!!!!!

I WILL wait to the end of the world for the whole game. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!