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A member registered Aug 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks! :D We wanted to have some special cutscenes, like borderlands :D

I'd like that hit feedback too :'D, the sound works from time to time? We'll need to take a look into it, thanks! :D The team had trouble picking the song

Thanks!! our goal was to have an approach like PSOne/PS2 games, sadly the shaders that added some visuals, borked :'(

Thanks! besides the jump we wanted to have nice inputs :D

Of course ;D, our designer and the 3D artist appreciate it :|D

Thank you!! We do too :'( no one in the team knows how to do SFX :D

Thanks! And one of the memebers in the team wanted to add more flashy and funnier intros/transformations, we'll try to improve the jump, somehow it fails constantly... :D

Thanks, the bosses health bar "technically" is the bright parts in their body, they should change color from green to red, but I guess a more obvious hp bar would help :D

Thank you! I think we must add some extra power ups to recover hp :)