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A member registered Sep 17, 2018

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I got a big bug in 1.7 version

I have all the hero plus Kano the only one left for my collection is Julian (the best and most charming of all <3<3<3) 

I did all the thing necessary to have acces to his hunt

the problem is when I selected "go on a hunt" it proposed me "kitsune mansion" and when I checked it was really the kitsune mansion hunt.even with the fact I have kano as a slave AND active

tried to restart the game nothing changed

tried to do the hunt of kitsune, and mansion (with Kano active because funny) and won the hunt. so I have Kano as a slave in my garden, Kano as active in my team and kano non-hypnotized in my basement (and I hypnotized him again of course x3 (no I didn't get two Kano) )

and when I came back to the entrance of the manor and select hunt it say I don't know where to search (even after I "unlocked" Julian  hunt)

when I go back to the circus trying to "re-unlock" Julian hunt there is only two event playing : the talent show and Julian show

so yeah I'm stuck :'3

is it because I did Kano before Julian ?

is it because I did the bad end of julian before, selected "try again" and had enough wisdom to break out from his control ? (best bad ending btw cause Julian perfect and would totally restart this """"bad end"""" over and over YES I SIMP AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME !!! >:3)

am I doomed to restart a whole game to have all the slave in my collection ? surely yes :'3...

Yuichi have a drawers full of condom and lubricant if I remember correctly x3

Anyone know how to have the two first CG of the third page? 

Yes finally the keisuke's day 13!