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A member registered Oct 03, 2021

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Yes it was. I lost the first 2 times with my normal deck and then tried a full strike deck but didn't work so had to change my strategy and got that idea.

My strategy was to create a lot of ultimate cards and then play them with double shields but got the win from pacifism while prepping..

(1 edit)

So far game is looking good. I see you have a direction in mind and would first like to see were it goes before i start sugesting to many things.. 

However one problem i came accross is that you get to big but have no way to farm/buy transfer points. It would work as an alternate way of making money and as a way to control how you want your characters physiche to be.

Would also recomend a option to switch between imperial system and metric system. Seeing most of the world uses metric system it would help all those people know how big stuff are.

I am sure you will add stuff for when someone is 10ft tall or above. Having it get crazier and crazier. As in, from Junkyard to Demolishion Department so you can continue to work out.

One thing i also noticed is that Dick and Balls grow waayy quicker then Height. I'd love some control over that if possible and you should be able to do it with massa transfer system. Have everything be their own category would be more convenient. (Even tho some stuff influencie others which might lock you out of this possibility now).

Other stuff will come up with time. You still don't have a sex system which i am pretty sure you will eventually add. Maybe even romancing with those guys on Dark Forest and turn them into potencial allies.

For now thats all. I can give more indepth Reports trough e-mail, telegram or discord if you so wish. I like this basis you have here and i think it needs to be improved upon go bring maximun vibes. We can also brainstorm for ideas yea. Will leave it up to you if you want my help on this.