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A member registered Mar 28, 2023

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Okay so, the python script you can copy and paste into a txt file, and then change the txt to py. Alternatively, you can download it directly from my link. 

It has 2 uppercase variables, IMG_PATH and TILES_PATH. These are where your image is and where the "crop file" is. Notice how the crop file has no extension. This is because the original file also had no extension. If you want, save the crop file as txt and change the TILE_PATH accordingly. I would recommend keeping the file in the same folder of the python script, for simplicity. The IMG_PATH is the same deal, just change it to match the location (and name) of your image.

You then need to have a folder named frames (see line 15), as the script will store the output there.

Then to run the script! Open the folder where your script is located. In the File Explorer, there's an area with the breadcrumbs that lead to that folder (aka the folder location). You can click on that (the text will turn into Something/Like/This), and replace that text with "cmd", without quotes. This should open the Command Prompt in that folder! Then just write "python" into it and you should see it output a series of lines. If every one of the lines starts with OK, that means that the script did everything right and your crops are in the frames folder.

Hi! When I downloaded the pack, it came with a crop script (to separate all the individual sprites into separate files). Idk why the pack doesn't include the script anymore, but I uploaded it here:

lmk if you have any trouble using it <3

These are great! Although you are missing the crop file of the original pack. I made one for your pack, to be used with the 0x72's python script: