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A member registered Sep 04, 2020

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Ok, I got to be real with you. The premise is interesting and I liked the way you discover the secret ending, but everything else was really bad. The graphics look really cheap, making the deaths of Spongebob and Patrick laughable. (Crucifixion? Really?) The structure of the house is pretty boring, just the same hallway after hallway, room after room. There’s no discernible difference between any room except there might be something to pick up. The over-reliance on jumpscares is also irritating. Even the story doesn’t make sense. If Squidward was killed by Mr. Krabs, why would he kill Spongebob and Patrick? Why wouldn’t he tell them who did it? For that matter, why would he kill a police officer? Again, why not tell him the truth? Was that even Squidward? If not, what is it? What’s the “Red Mist” anyways? Why is there time travel? There’s too many questions and not enough answers, but the game isn’t compelling  enough to make you want to investigate.

I’ve been a bit harsh and I apologize. You’ve got some good ideas, but this would’ve greatly benefited if you’d spent more time on it.