hey i was playing your game and the game over is broken to a huge degree that it doesn't end the game and spit you out to your last save instead it will still act like you haven't been defeated with 0 hp on all of your party members making you lose multiple times or somehow being able to win a fight (rare chance that you actually have hp)
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please hold this to more scrutiny from what i know both sides really don't have anything in this image we don't actually know if its real screenshot or not i seen faked screenshots of other people i wouldn't put past anyone if a fake screenshot as for strange girls vagueness its probably because they are getting advice from legal team i would like some hard evidence showing this is infact strange girl and not someone posing as them if you like example of someone not backing up their claims with any truth to them just look towards J.A.R (just a robot) they had something like this come up and they had to prove it by going live and clicking on the persons dms to show he had not done this showing it was infact a poser both sides can be little clearer but seeing how strange girls acting we won't get any word from them untill they are legally allowed to disclose details and with hot pink all they shown are words a testimony if you will they don't hold any real water because there's no foundation and they are just vauge as strange girl is
i can understand that but i hope you can also understand that the two games the report is mentioning are fundamentally different if it were to go to court i don't see the attacking team winning at all without copywrite on game mechanic or an idea we all know what crazy taxi did with its arrow there has to be hard evidence like code being reused from your game and such and such what there needs to be from both sides is showing what happened the whole truth instead of throwing accusations to one another for example strange girl being vague could be due to a legal side or legal battle that might happen as most lawyers advise little to no contact with anyone
hmm i am looking things over while looking away from the other things such as who reported the game and what side is doing what i am focusing on matter if one game copied the other i played all 3 games and i know what i am doing looking at here now love craft locker has had been inactive this game started Deveolpment with aim of remastering tentacle locker looking at all 3 games not only is lovecraft's art style different from 2 games it also has to be proven that game has intentionally copied another or has stolen an idea (for example crazy taxi's arrow that basically prevents a game devopler from making a certain game mechanic or cert game in that way) it is very clear both tentacle locker and love craft are going completely different directions the story mechanics down to how the girls react and everything the only reason i can think of why strange girl is so vague is because they are getting their legal teams ready to prove that this game isn't just the same game as hot pinks the only way that hotpink would win is if there was stolen code in the game which i doubt seeing as it uses it own engine (sorry for my bad english) tldr: hot pinks case is not really case without some essential componts that they have not disclosed and strange girl isn't being to open due to them getting ready for legal battle