This game it's fire, please bring it to steam, love the old school style of it and bring back memory from an old school game about managing a china old kingdom
Bro you make the most unique game, please bring this nuts game to steam to:) i have havendock, waiting for stormbridge and now this! You are a madgenius with this ideas !
This looks good, if you introduce like city building/base building elements like making your own port and what you can sell in it and from it would be more interesting!
I would buy a game like this on steam! Reminds me of port royal but with a fps/3rd person view rather than grand strategy
i hope you comeback to it, the theme and the idea of a city builder like that would be fire and you don't need it to make it to big like anno, a lot of successful city builders had been small indies..not only big can be good!
Cool game, love it, hope you can make it on steam and i can pay you guys for it i am willing to pay over 9$ if you put more buildings and islands + other backgrounds