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A member registered Sep 04, 2021

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Hey man,

Loving the game so far, the diversity of factions, units, spells, etc. is truly impressive.

The only bug/problem I would like to point out is this : There seems to be a combination of effects/passives that make it so certain types of unit have a 100% chance of being reborn in the first aid tent. It makes it so the AI can't lose. It becomes problematic when the AI also can't win, because we have to make the same battle 6 times per turn, where the AI keeps losing but keeping it's 24 units and retrying. It tries again and again because the battle seems to register as Impossible (for the player), even when the opposing army is very weak, because it has essentially infinite units.

I would suggest that units that don't have time to respawn before the end of a battle don't respawn at all or make it so the odds of respawn can't reach 100%.
