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A member registered Feb 20, 2023

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The amount of work you put in is amazing. The number of choices is truly intimidating and overwhelming which is great. I also love the level of detail / knowledge about fiction writing that is present in this coupled with a lot of really funny stuff. It almost feels like an inverted version of akinator. Really becomes an interesting mirror like experiences the deeper you go into the game the more aware you become of you own tendencies. I can’t really suggest much other than maybe considering some different ways of visually organizing the options.

The way you go about not getting the player too caught up with exposition is very effective. The eerie atmosphere of the narrative also combines well with the barebones aesthetic of a simple text based game. If I were to try and think of any suggestions I would maybe try to only leave action based options. The silent protagonist is a very common trope for games but I feel like it could be appropriate for this because of the lack of general context given to the player. It might break the immersion for the player to be limited to a certain set of phrases they might not have used while actions are more universal.