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A member registered Jul 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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NETOCHASERS community · Created a new topic COMING SOON!

Hello, it has been almost a year since the last update, I went on to moderate in cat mania and meanwhile my right oculus controller sadly broke.

I then retired from working on vr games and played gtag for a while.

Anyways the game will come back after demand form a guy in REDMATCH 2

He kept on mentioning the game and the itch page and here we are today. It will probably be a year or so before renovations occur, and with the unity 0.20 per install fee going on I will have to learn unreal. It is gonna take time. BE PATIENT FOR A YEAR OR SO

Thank you that is all :D

NETOCHASERS community · Created a new topic lel


(1 edit)

Update: I messed the game up badly and deleted a file I should not have so I will postpone the release sadly. I will add in a new map while I am at it.

Never mind it was about my gpu drivers for my laptop

Game crashes when I use Christmas sprites with the debug menu

When I tried to run this game on my windows 8.1 PC the game just crashed on both versions. can you please fix it or give me recommended specs?