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A member registered Jun 29, 2020

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This is my every night story, I know how it feels to go to the kitchen through pitch-black hallways.

I enjoyed it.

Man i loved this cute game.

amazing illustrations and music.


2 minutes well spend. thank you 

here is a small playthrough

(1 edit)

It was an amazing experience, end got me bad.

overall really nice experience and now i am hungry for more.

Thank you Elisha for this awesome game.

That was a chilling experience.

loved it.

here is a small video if you are interested.

This was a fun play, really quirky and cute game. 

Well that was a weird experience, but it was fun and let you question your existence. I reccoment it to everyone. 

this is a playthrough i made check it out.

It was just  amazing, the environment, story, and then the ENDING! It was the best. 

I recommend everyone to try it out. also here is a smol video if you are interested.

It was a great experience. I like the color and feel of the game. Thank you Olivia for this Refreshing game. Here is a short video I made I hope you like it
sorry about my bad English and nervousness.😅