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A member registered 86 days ago · View creator page →

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OH I HAD SO MUCH FUN PLAYING THIS GAME I LOVED IT!! it's so creepy and even though if you die you can just restart easily, somehow making the wrong choice or even thinking about making the wrong choice spooked me in a good way !! i loved how even the things i would never even think could be alive WERE ALIVE that was so insane!! gosh it's a very good game :)

scared the crap out of me!! great game, though the end was a bit abrupt and unexpected, i still enjoyed it!

very nice game! loved the scare!!

NICE GAME!! i loved playing it, it was very fun to figure out :) the music and jumpscares add a lot to the experience too !

hi! amazing game!! i had fun playing it and the art style is incredibly nice and soft but also eerie in just the right scenes! the characters personalities are also very interesting, and i loved the silly role colby had :)

just finished playing the game and oh my god!!! the endings kept surprising me!!! the art style is sooo captivating and nice i loved playing the game :) though i had trouble getting all the endings because nothing came to mind, i still had so much fun playing it. the dialogue and the drawings go together so well! they made the characters whole ahh i loved it so much :))