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A member registered Sep 30, 2021

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"Your Dad ?...Don't listen to him too much...
Suck......Boomer !!"
this is, spaces and all, one of the first dialogues in the game. It's hard to believe even machine translation was this awful.
I hoped the others would be better than gladiator girl. Guess not. you should give DeepL a try.
Well that winter sale managed to be a colossal waste of money at just 12 bucks. impressive.

also the creator probably does not speak english and the translation is awful. a sample: "Potion Potion ! It helps you win and survive." - "Thank". "you can sell body to me every night, or men gladiator."
I didn't spend much on this bundle but I ddin't expect it to be that awful

the very first fight is only winnable if you keep enter held down and appeased the RNG gods that one of the enemies misses and you don't. I had to try it like 5 times. What an awful game design when the very first fight requires you nit to look at the interface at all, not to make any smart choices, just attack before the enemy does.
Even tho I got it on winter sale, I regret the money I put towards it. The only reason anyone would design the very first fight like that is they hated any player of their game.
I strongly advice against getting this. I really hope the other games by this creator are better because I got the fucking bundle. screw me I guess.

Got that fatal error as well (also on the hogwarts one). Browser is Firefox 88 on Linux Mint, so probably not one you tested.

It's in the creation of the SimpleStore object. I won't even attempt to debug minified code, but here's the stacktrace:

Both games work on Chrome on the same system.