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A member registered May 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi! Sorry to bother after the jam is over, but I have one thing to ask!

We couldn't submit the project in the jam page in time, but we release our game before the jam was over. Can we still be eligible to participate? I mean, we had everything ready :( please considerate.

Hi again!

I want to know if the menu/preferences/options sound effects are part of the GUI or it would be considered the "one sound effect" as the rules says. We created a SFX to appear in a specific point in the game AND the menu options like start, pause, load, skip, etc; Is that allowed? 
Also, using a sound to choose a reply in-game is permitted?

ok, understood! thank you!! :D

Hi! I have some questions about the music/soundtrack!

I created a song which contains 2 parts, A and B. They have a little change on the harmony, are part of the same song  and fits the same style (similar idea of a verse-chorus on a popular song), it that allowed? The rules says "only a single segment is looped", does that mean I need to choose either using only 'A part' or 'B part'?

Hii! I'm looking for a programmer for this jam! Me and my teammate already have an idea/concept for the game, we just need a coder! My discord in case: akegaymer

Hi!! Me and my team are looking for an artist! We already have a concept of our project, but if you have any interest send me a message on discord: akemi#6193

Oiii! Perdão a demora, só vi a mensagem agora huahuah você tem discord? Podemos conversar por lá :) meu user: akemi#6193

Hi! I'm a composer and also looking for a team! here's my discord: akemi#6193

music composer here! here's my discord: akemi#6193

Hi!! Still looking for a composer?

Hi!! I'm an amateur sound designer and I'm looking for teammates! I can cover all of the SFXs, Original Score and (if needed) can make some recordings too! Send a message!

Oi!! Sound designer aqui à procura de um time! Posso criar tanto efeitos sonoros como composições originais, e caso precise, posso gravar alguns sons também.  Caso haja algum brasileiro aí fico à disposição! Seria legal fechar um time BR!