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A member registered Dec 26, 2020

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I mean... I see what you're talking about, but that doesn't mean anything for a player trying to reason through a puzzle.

Because - speaking as a player - the logic I employed could be described as... "I should put this hint here because if I put it somewhere else, it doesn't work".

And if it does work, I assume that I'm on the right track. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this way, but I'm not going to backtrack if everything fits but I don't have the full context. I'm just going to guess. Because I'm logically assuming that if I guess wrong, I'll just arrive at a solution that doesn't work in some fashion.

This logic does rely on the assumption that there is either only one solution available, or any correct solution will be accepted. An assumption that pretty much every player would have. So the situation is indeed not ideal.

It's a cool game though!

Maybe I'm missing something, but TO ME, it looks like 21 has 5 solutions:

The attached image illustrates my reasoning.