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A member registered Aug 06, 2022

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Oh, so I already have the last update.

I would love to pay for Patreon and support you really, but I don't have a job actually and I barely pay my bills and school stuff. I wish you good luck!

Thank you so much for your time and your effort. this helped indeed!


Before I start, this game is lit, I love it!

For my question (And I'm sorry if I look stupid because this site is still new to me), I wonder how to get the last update, should I install it from where exactly?

Because I thought if I only downloaded the game from the main page it'll be up to date, but as it arrived at the scene where I was talking with the dancer and said to Matt I'm coming to hang out, the game ended.

I see from the posts that there are a lot of chapters already released with further events so I'm confused. Could you please help me understand what I'm missing here?

And thanks a lot in advance!

Oh, I don't have this scene though, it only finishes after I leave them both and the camera's recording (Ron & Julian).

Yeah, I know how much effort you put into this! Wish you good luck!

For the game, as I told you that's the last scene I have, I don't have a scene where I wake up with Ron. Is it because I don't have the last update (and there are lots of things I missed between the last scene I have and the scene you described) or there is not much to see and the scene you told is just following what I have?

 Btw, the version I can download is version 21  Jan 19, 2022.

And I'm so sorry for disturbing you. I appreciate your response and your time! ;)

I really love your game but I don't know if I have the latest update or not. The last thing I have is when I leave Ron and Julian as they refused that I join them and it shows the end.

Is it really the last thing for the moment or am I unable to see the latest update?