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A member registered Jan 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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ive been trying to upgrade the itch app and everytime i download the setup, its the same one as the old one

it isnt upgrading, its just constantly making me download the old version and ive tried to download a game but it says there is no app for them to be downloaded (meaning it didnt get upgraded)

am i dumb or is it just not working

i hope it will be available for windows soon, ill love to play it!

dont worry, im already pretty good enough with this demo, its so cool!

yeah, it was that, thanks! ill check it out if it works now

i have the same problem, it says its not available for windows

aww... its not available for windows ;w;

omg this is amazing!! i hope more of it comes out, thank god its so good :'0!!!