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A member registered Jun 14, 2020

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Ah yea, for some reason I missed C, which is the only way to get out of the menu. X closes the game, so I thought I'd tried every key but I guess I missed C when closing it. I even made a point of trying Z for that very reason, but I guess I forgot to check C.

As expected though, controller definitely feels like the way to go. I have very little 3D platforming experience though, and I usually invert my X-axis camera controls in 3D games (not an option here), so it's been a STRUGGLE compared to regular Celeste which I've nearly 100%d xD

I can borrow a controller to set up, and that probably is the better way to play this anyway, but I opened it with keyboard (I'm primarily a keyboard gamer, I played Celeste with keyboard) and I noticed that WASD seem to be mapped to something, because they move the logo around. Also X and numpad . close the game, but I can't find any buttons mapped to A.. 

So it appears impossible to start the game, unless there's some key I missed trying. Anyway I'll probably pull out a controller anyway, but I didn't see anyone else mentioning this yet.