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A member registered 94 days ago

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Not being able to see more below the player when they are higher in the air makes it really hard to find some things and makes it really scary when dropping from a height (assuming you aren't taking advantage of the infinite jumps). 

The font of the text at the beginning telling the story was incredibly hard to read as well and didn't make me wanna continue past the 3rd sentence. It might be fine if there was far less to read, but that could just be a personally thing. However, because it was difficult to read, the objective of the game isn't clear in the beginning. It is easy to figure out what you need to do but as the game gets more complicated, it will be harder to figure out.

Some of the sprites such as the health and food look very blurry. While it gets the point across, it isn't very nice to look at. The food also doesn't seem to have a purpose as far as I see because I was able to continue going for a while after it was clear depleted.