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A member registered Apr 03, 2020

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Wonderful game!! I dunno If someone asked this already, but the game will be available only here on itch? Or there will be some sort of a Steam release? I really wanna buy, but I cannot use itch qq

I. NEED. MORE. But seriously though what a wonderful work! I really like the artstyle the characters and atmosphere! Thank you for this!

Thank you for your hard work! And good luck with everything me friend!

Owwie thank you so much O\\\O Honsetly did not expect that I was just studying the boy XD Of course you can! I don't have any public, but I do have tumblr page ( Also I think your art of Nick is very pretty, I personally love thge way you draw his eyes~

That's good to hear! Take your time, no need to rush of course! while I'm gonna be obsessing with Nick for a while xD Really like him :> Thank you for this game!

I'm so sorry that it happened to you :( I hope you'll get the solution of this problem somehow? since I'm not much if a help here

oh my gosh! I believe it was said already, but THE ATMOSPHERE! Also love Nick's character~ (the way you wrote him)  Good joob! Waiting patiently for the updates :>

You know what! I played the demo and -  jeee~ I wanna play it all :D  what a cliffhanger~