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agues proto

A member registered Jun 09, 2021

Recent community posts

what should i do?

it deleted my save files i tried coping the save but it gave me an error

the latest and currently idk if i just have a skill issue or im missing smth i keep losing

im currently stuck fighting the "dad" after getting some gem can anyone help me?

so for I haven’t been able to even touch the arena

how do i fuck the dad >:)

where can i find this guy?

please continue this project or remake it i am hooked on it already

i think it broke they dont cum anymore and a script error propped up for a second

hey had an issue and i cant access my saves and when i play it sends me all the way to the beginning like starting a new save

love the work i almost get dystopia vibes keep it up <3

got it working just needed to use a rar file compressor 

cant open on laptop pc

yes but its already amazing 

this is amazing this will the the next echo VN

when will this update i hope it wasnt abandoned

what happened to the creator?

when will the next update be?

i wonder when is the next update?