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Agent'sHQ Crafts

A member registered May 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Oh yea ok!

No I am asking for an option in which if we like select or paint a pixel then go somewhere else in the canvas & then click while holding shift, there will be a straight line made between the pixels. if there is already an option like this, please let me know.

(4 edits)

I JUST made a itch account so that i can comment on this. here's the features I ask for:

1.whenever we click & paint on a pixel, then go to another pixel on the screen while holding shift, we will create a straight line just like a line tool, but it will be FAAAAR more precise & not so tedious to just hold left click & move the mouse some millimetres to correctly draw a line.

2.Multiple selection. when a selection is done either using magic wand or lasso tool, if we press & hold shift while selecting anywhere else, that will also be selected including the previous selection.

Just looking forward these get implemented into the game.. er software! Thank You In Advence!

Edit: I deleted all the other stuff cause I'm dum & didn't looked in the settings called 'Preferences'