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Recent community posts
Suggestion: Add an event
Left-wing militants marching
When KPD’s popularity surges to more than 30% and higher than the SPD, it should be able to rapidly grow RFB and attempt to launch a communist coup attempt to overthrow the state, especially if the Nazi support is high. To trigger this event, you will need to make sure KPD has higher support than all other parties, including the Nazis, and you have implemented austerity policies that impoverished the working-class and the unemployed.
If you lost or do not resist the takeover of the commies, the KPD would turn Germany into a totalitarian Stalinist dictatorship and start violent purges and massacres, similar to Stalinist USSR, and begin to help Moscow sponsor more Stalinist parties and regimes in Europe.
If the unions declared independence due to your anti-worker policies, they might side with the KPD instead of the SPD
The achievement "European Union" is basically close to impossibility because you spam so many homosexuality cards in the early game that progress the game by one month when they have no realistic chances of passing alongside other cards due to randomization, and the party unity cards aren't very effective either. The game has just become so much harder and more complex in the new update.
I improved relations with Westerners twice
I improved relations with Eastern Europeans twice
I did two steps toward forming the EU.
A total of 6 steps, still didn't work
It worked with Rudolf as the advisor!
Suggestion: It wouldn't make much sense for the DNVP militants Der Stahlhlem to call for Hitler to be appointed chancellor during the right-wing militants march event when the DNVP has higher popularity and Der Stahlhlem has far more members than the SA when Hitler is deported. It would make much more sense that they demand Papen or someone else from the DNVP be appointed.
Suggestion: Reduce useless cards like homosexuality in early game.
When you don't have a 50% majority the card is essentially useless and stops you from getting actually IMPORTANT cards like Interior and Foreign ministries. This is particularly frustrating in a united left run when you can't get the important cards needed to proceed.
Bug report: Hitler has been deported but when the Nazis won, it shows that he is the undisputed leader of Germany. It should have been Goring, not Hitler. Additionally, it should have been Goring appointed chancellor by Hindenburg, not Hitler.
If you still believe Hitler would be welcome back to Germany and be assumed the office of Nazi leadership and chancellorship/presidency, there should be an event about it.
Suggestion on expanding diplomacy: Germany soft power
1. Improve relationship with our neighbors: (Poland and Czezhoslovakia) three times, and you will get an alliance option with them.
2. You can call the allies in the civil war to intervene on our behalf by sending troops, massively increasing our chances of victory at the start and/or the ability to end the long war with an extended victory of the republic ending
There should be a limit on gutting welfare until you reach a point that the welfare is zero.
I’d also like to see a future feature that you can ban the KPD and the NSDAP if you have enacted 2 large court reforms. The ban of the NSDAP should let coups or the event right-wing militants marching easier.
The new version of the game is somehow very difficult, even in easy mode, and mass reforms like reforming homosexuality and women's rights become almost impossible due to the difficulty of reaching the 50% majority. I wonder if there will be a rebalance soon? Also, there are no real benefits of choosing the nationalization path over the WTB since not only does it cost much more, but it is also highly unpopular.