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A member registered Nov 26, 2018 · View creator page →

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I use Krita to do this characters. :)

Great! I love the design of escape the darkness and the character is really cute! I see the candle, thanks for sharing and using my asset, its make my day! S2

Great! I love the design of escape the darkness and the character is relly cute! :)

Hi!Thanks! Yes, you can use in a commercial game. Don't forget to share the game with me, so I can check it out. :)

Wow! That is great! :D

I glad this assets are useful for you. I will be watching your project and cheering for you! Thanks! :)

Thanks! :D

I'm cheering for you! :D

Thank you so much! I look in youtube and found a gameplay, nice game! :)

This look fantastic! Thanks for using my asset in your project. :D

Creative Commons Attribution v4.0 International

thanks a lot! you have a good point... I will try do add this asap. :)

Thanks!!! :D

Hey! I replied you in the other itch item. Thanks! :)

Hey! I replied you in the other itch item. Thanks! :)

Hey! Thanks for message. You can use all my items on itch for commercial projects. I appreciate the credits, but it is not necessary, if you can use it, it will be good. I'm so happy that my items help your project, it means a lot to me. If you need something specific, I can do commissions. And please share the game/project with me when it comes out. :)

I'm glad this will work for you! Please don't forget to show me your game when its done, I will be happy to see! :D

Thank you very much! I'm glad the assets will work for your app. I do commissions, if you need something specific you can add me on discord Aeynit#7424  I will be very happy to help in any way I can! :)

Monke!!! :3

S2 Monkeys

Wow, you liked my cheese!!! :D

Thanks!!! :)

I still need to find my style. Hope the drawings work for you. I'll be waiting to see. Thanks. :3

Wow, that's pretty cool!. You can use the image and modify it. Be sure to show me the project. I'm really excited. :)

Thank you very much! Show me later how you used it. :)


Thanks! :3


Thank you very much for the ideas and as soon as I can I will add new content. I received your email and replied. Thanks for all support.

Thanks so much for the message. I have only this. Maybe I do some more in the next days, or if you need something specific I can do a commission for you. Just send me an email:

Thanks! :3

I really forgot to put it. Thanks for letting me know. You can use in commercial projects. It is CC 4 license. :)

Answered! :D

Hey! Thanks for message. Send me an email. I'll be waiting. :3

Thank you so much! :)

I thank you for the support. It makes me very happy! :)

Thank you for your support! I believe it has something to do with the itch system. Try to buy again at another time. Thank you again! :D

WOW Thanks a lot! You helped for sure. I didn't know about the "tier" system. :D

The update is for an item that has a custom price. Is there a way in this case? 

Is it possible to use butler for this? Anyway, I'll try to test it. 

Thank you! :D

I'd like to update an asset I've published and add more items for those who purchased the full version. I don't want those who already bought it to have to again. I'm not sure how to resolve this. 

Should I upload the full package using the same name as the previous version? That way people who bought it could download the file without having to buy it again? 

Or do I have to use the butler? (I understand that it is used for games and not for assets, but I could be wrong) 

I'm a little lost on how to solve this, can anyone help me? :)