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A member registered Dec 22, 2022

Recent community posts

hey do you have a discord

you built the whole interface yourself?! thats really cool

Hey! love the game! looking forward to a dom/top path.

btw is there a way you could upload tutorials on how you made the ui??? because I love it and I'm learning game dev right now it would be really cool if you could show us how you made the beautiful ui.

that was only once : ).... also he was kinda meh in my opinion

but im not even interested in's that happening? i cant progress in the main story after getting the first clue.

can we pleaseeee get to top the npcs non forcefully .its like everytime a guy actually wants to seep with me, u dont even get to choose to top :(

Hey!! I've been loving this game!

What are you using to make it. i kinda want try making something like this!! 

its telling me to talk to dux but when i try, the game tells me to come back after i have more info

When will be the game available for download?

Help! im stuck right after the crystel got stolen.

cant find the second clue. i told the prof i know who stole it. what should i do next??