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A member registered Mar 13, 2023

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(1 edit)

I admit I'm not a super experienced discord user (I have used it though!) but I did use its grandpa IRC a lot back ten years ago and this game brought me back to those times so hard I am seriously considering downloading discord again to relive the magic. Logging on at night, spending until the early morning just chatting with a close-knit bunch of weirdos, all of us with our distinct flair and our own backstories, seeing stuff go down in the communities we were part of and getting up to mischief is something that I dearly miss, and this game just made me feel like I was back in one of my fav IRC rooms back in 2011.

I cannot emphasize enough just how well written the characters are. The voice acting is incredible. The way the plot unfolds is great, and each route has enough challenge without feeling like one needs to second-guess every choice the whole way through. I managed to get all good endings on my first try not because it was easy - but rather because the characters felt so real and so much like folks I knew that it was impossible not to know how to score favorability. 

I think my favourite route was xyx only because I'm a fellow chaotic troll and also loved the character design!! Followed by Toasty since I'm also a software developer so I definitely vibe with his issues haha

Anyway massive thanks and kudos to the entire team for such a fantastic game, I'm off to replay xyx's route now lol!!!